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Today is February 23, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Oconee, SC

location-map Oconee , SC | (864) 778 7883

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I am passionate about children, teens, and parents. I chose to specialize in Child Clinical Psychology because I find children and adolescents to be fun to work with and incredibly strong and inspiring. I particularly enjoy working with those with anxiety and mood difficulties, and have extensive experience working with those with a history of traumatic experiences including abuse. Psychologists are extensively trained in both diagnostics - identifying disorders - and therapy, as well as how to use one to guide the other. I gather information from all areas of child's life to understand the child as a whole person. I am trained in a variety of approaches, but tend to lean toward Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy to help clients change what they can control (i.e., their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors) and have better relationships with those around them. I am also a certified school psychologist, providing support for school functioning. I use play and humor to approach the problem in a relaxing setting at the your pace. I work to help people find balance and acceptance while making changes toward their next goals for growth. Therapy, within a trusting and honest relationship, is the most effective way to address issues and to learn skills to help you both now and in the future.